Thursday 29 October 2009

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Rachel illustration workshop

These images were done in illustration workshop on 5th and 12th October also at home.Using inks and brusho they are all smaller than A4. The display is in the libary in my village, working from my illustrations me and my mum have created a display for the local children on 22nd november for a storytelling session with a jester! will add more pictures afterwards!!! My mum done the jester not me !

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Foundation art,Drawings

All the images in this section are drawings either done on a tuesday drawing workshop or at home

These drawings of birds were done on the 13th October in drawing class. I have used felt tips and wax crayons they are all size A4.

These drawings are some of the
20 that we were set for homework
at the beggining of the course.

These two images are both on A1 paper using black ink and water working from a still life on the 6th october in drawing class. The first image on the left is a series of drawings of the still life, and the larger drawing is one in which we was given a longer time limit.

These 5 drawings here were of the still life but on a
much smaller scale ,again using inks and for
one i used pencil, the two on the right are attempts
without looking at the paper.

29th september
Using charcoal and a rubber here I have done series
of drawings of a still life using different approaches
and methods

Using charcoal and a rubber on size
A1 attmept of the still life with about an
hour to complete.

One of the frst drawings i done on the art course
beggining of september, size A1 using pencil and
drawing from a very small object.